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Zigadenus ещё 2 произведения
Hermione Granger/Severus Snape, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Minerva McGonagall, Eileen Prince, Draco Malfoy
Drama, Light Angst, Romance, Psychological Drama
1 068 Кб
В процессе
24.12.2016 — 13.07.2019
What looks like living is sometimes just survival.
Hermione Granger — Weasley — Granger has scars: the ones the war inflicted, and the ones she inflicted. Mostly the ones she inflicted. And Hermione Granger has some wounds that never did heal; here in the smouldering aftermath of her marriage, they're about to start bleeding anew. Written in the conceptual universe of the short story, Lies and Red Ink (generally DH-compliant, EWE?, probably requires a mature reader perspective).

Notes: For Tra8erse, braye27. Inspired by Lies and Red Ink by Zigadenus. Inspired by Repast at the Table of Glorious Toxins by Zigadenus. Dedicated to the memory of my dear friend, Tra8erse, who immeasurably improved my mind in the time I knew her.
This piece is written in the same conceptual universe as Lies and Red Ink, but I maintain that the latter story stands on its own as a complete work. I think you can probably read this as a standalone, as well.
 With respect to tagging, I intentionally utilize only minimal descriptors -- my reasons for this are twofold, both personal and philosophical. Speaking personally, I experience reading tags as unpleasant to triggering, and I choose not to make my own work unappealing to myself. Speaking philosophically, I am of the opinion that fiction's most profound task is to break us out of our echo chambers, to expand our experience and in so doing our empathy, by placing us in apposition to themes that challenge us, or in spaces that ask us to confront ourselves and our beliefs. The fiction that has been transformative in my life has been that which has often made me uncomfortable, has startled me, has sometimes caused me pain, but has always, always made me think, and made me a more careful and contemplative person for the experience of it. I aspire to this in
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