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Фэндом Doctor Strange (2016) archiveofourown.org

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Фандом на фанфиксе: Вселенная Марвел

В сервис загружено 88 произведений

Shun Not His Fate (джен)

1   29.07.2017    archiveofourown.org   
With suitable allies, Loki claims his destiny.
The battle is gained,
The fighter can shun not his fate.
~Helgakviða Hundingsbana II
Автор: Kadorienne
Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), Doctor Strange (2016)
Персонажи: Loki & Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Norns (Marvel), Hel Lokisdottir
Рейтинг: General
Размер: 7 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Saving Strange (слэш)

1   18.07.2017    archiveofourown.org   
When Stephen gets into an accident the first thing Tony thinks is that the last time he got this call the people in the car were dead. Except when Stephen comes out on the other side he might as well be lost to Tony because he refuses to accept his fate, trying his damndest to find a solution to fix his shaky hands that just wasn't there.
At least until Tony makes one.
Автор: TenSpencerRiedPlease
Фандомы: Doctor Strange (2016), Iron Man (Movies)
Персонажи: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Christine Palmer & Tony Stark & Stephen Strange
Размер: 31 Кб
Статус: Закончен
Он никогда прежде не видел этого человека, не говоря уже о знакомстве с ним. В этом он даже не сомневался. Но как только мужчина обернулся на зов, Эверетт забыл как дышать.
Он не знал этого человека, но почему-то всё в нём казалось таким знакомым. Этот заострённый нос, эта бледная кожа. Эти пронзительные глаза, смотрящие прямо в душу. Кто же он?
Переводчик: sverhanutaya
Фандомы: Doctor Strange (2016), Sherlock (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies)
Персонажи: Everett Ross/Stephen Strange, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Cloak of Levitation - Character, Greg Lestrade
Рейтинг: General
Размер: 30 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Feeling Human / Чувство человеческого (слэш)

1   02.04.2017    archiveofourown.org   
Эверетт и Стивен знакомятся в библиотеке волей случая: благодаря рассеянности одного и великодушию другого. Переводчик: sverhanutaya
Фандомы: Doctor Strange (Comics), Doctor Strange (2016), Black Panther (Comics), Black Panther (2018), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe
Персонажи: Everett Ross/Stephen Strange
Рейтинг: General
Размер: 8 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Feeling Human (слэш)

1   12.11.2016    archiveofourown.org   
Stephen and Everett meet by chance at a library after Stephen notices Everett having trouble getting his books and Stephen offers his services to aid in his self help studies.
They slowly get to know one another and Stephen decides that Everett has a knack for helping him feel human even with his powers and responsibilities as Sorcerer Supreme. The only catch is...Everett has no idea who Stephen really is or what he can do!
As a believer of keeping heroes in check, how will it effect their relationship?
Автор: chelseyelric
Фандомы: Doctor Strange (Comics), Doctor Strange (2016), Black Panther (Comics), Black Panther (2018), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe
Персонажи: Everett Ross/Stephen Strange
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 7 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Don't Be Stupid (You Know I Love You) (гет)

0   07.11.2016    archiveofourown.org   
Stephen drops by the hospital. Not to see Christine. No, that would be childish. Автор: orphan_account
Фандомы: Doctor Strange (2016), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Defenders (Marvel TV)
Персонажи: Christine Palmer/Stephen Strange, Cloak of Levitation - Character, Claire Temple, Wong (Marvel)
Рейтинг: General
Размер: 13 Кб
Статус: Закончен

White Silk like Snowflakes 

1   06.11.2016    archiveofourown.org   
At every battle, they can see a flash of green from the corner of their eyes, and a hint of crushed pine needles and Juniper.
One once do they ever see Loki- Clint pierces him with two arrows and watches the blood fall.
Tony thinks something is terribly terribly wrong, because the eyes of Loki are so similar to his own during the Palladium.
Tony has to know what is going on.
Too ba...>>
Автор: Oceanbreeze7
Фандомы: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Doctor Strange (2016)
Персонажи: Avengers Team, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), SHIELD Agents & Staff, Loki (Marvel), Peter Parker, Doctor Strange, Steven Strange
Рейтинг: General
Размер: 165 Кб
Статус: Закончен

It's not a Cape (смешанная)

1   07.08.2016    archiveofourown.org   
Tony Stark absolutely doesn’t not have a Cloak fetish. Absolutely not. Автор: DestielsDestiny
Фандомы: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Captain America (Movies), Doctor Strange (2016)
Персонажи: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Clint Barton & Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, T'Challa(mentioned), Avengers Team (MCU)
Рейтинг: General
Размер: 8 Кб
Статус: Закончен
