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19 января 2018 к ориджиналу Червь
Цитата сообщения Stacy_DROP TABLE Users-- от 19.01.2018 в 18:33
А что у него был за триггер? Если это не часть произведения, это не будет спойлером.

Jacob was a young trigger. His parents were a little mentally unbalanced, and they shut him inside a bomb shelter with a radio link to his father, who wanted to use it to instill Jacob with sufficient fear of the threats of the outside world. A one-way communication, feeding into and playing off his fears, gaslighting, convincing him a war was underway, it broke the boy, but he wasn't released when he was broken. He stayed. His parents left him in there, mostly because it was easier. In a twisted way, having a boy in the shelter to hear dad's words, it made Jacob the exact son they wanted.

He triggered on exit, his entire reality challenged on seeing that the world was fine.

https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/wormve rse-ideas-recs-and-fic-discussion-thread-38.309181/page-45#post-15029301

По ссылку (без пробела) находится тема откуда я взял WoG, но лезть туда не рекомендуется.

